Post by applePAI! on Jun 6, 2009 11:04:21 GMT -5
[/u][/i] That is, NO PERFECT CHARACTERS. They can't have all "good" qualities, for example a girl with long blonde hair and dazzling blue eyes with a perfect figure who is nice to and is loved by everyone. Your character MUST have at LEAST three bad qualities. GET IT?! GOT IT?! GOOD. I DON'T WANT TO SEE IT.Standard Rules
- Don't join if you're never going to sign on. We only want active members--members that come on at least once or twice every week. Members that join and never come on are looked down upon, you know.
- Be respecful to everyone--staff, members, new members, guests... everyone. Without them, the site would be nothing.
- No "Strong" Language, like the S word or the F word. "Mild" Cursing that some people don't even consider curses are fine.
- This is a literate site, and thus you need to use proper grammar and spelling--and little chatspeak. Things like "lol" "wtf" "omg" are fine, but things like "nrbtfyo" is not.
- Refrain from arguing with other members and/or staff. Characters fighting is fine, but if two members are caught fighting, they will be in big trouble. If you're going to fight, do it over PM.
- We're talking about cats, here--where they were never under Twoleg Influence. Thus, human elements like Soda or Cars or something should not be seen in any IC posts.
- If your account has been banned or suspended from either the site or the c-box, it's probably for a good reason. Once you've been given the reason for the suspension/ban, you shouldn't badger any staff members for further explanations or to un-ban/suspend you. Begging will earn you a longer suspension/permanent ban.
- Memembers who are unfamilliar with the Warriors series are encouraged to join also, since this RP doesn't follow the series.
- Out of the OOC Boards, no Double Posting. Or Triple Posting. Or quad--well, you get the message.
- No Powerplaying. That is, controlling someone else's character's movements, thoughts, emotions, reactions, etc..
- No Godmodding. That is, making your cat invincible--it never gets hit, or takes hits from damage, etc..
- As said above, this site is literate. You must have at least 100 words in every IC Post, use correct grammar and spelling, and make your post relatively interesting.
This is bad. Don't do this:
Brownpaw padded through the forest, looking around for enemies. Hearing something in the bushes, he turned around and spotted a mouse, pouncing on it.
This is better. This is more of what you should do:
A small brown tom padded lightly through the forest, his bright green eyes scanning every leaf and twig that stood in his path. He gazed up into the trees, watching the birds flutter around from branch to branch, and then take off into the bright morning sky. Suddenly, his ears twitched at a rustling in the bushes, and turned around. Brownpaw spotted a small mouse scuffling out of the bushes, racing to capture a lone seed that was sitting at the base of a tree. Suddenly excited, the apprentice leaped and landed swiftly on the mouse, killing it with a swift blow with his right paw.- Romance between cats is allowed, but forbidden romance can't happen very often.
- Queens can have kits.
- Don't beg members to post in your threads. They've all got lives, too (believe it or not...), and can't be online 24/7. If it's been over twenty-four hours you may bring it up once. They'll get to it eventually.
[/li][li] You may create as many characters as you wish, as long as you are active with each of them. If you have too many characters you're not role-playing with enough, you will be granted a warning and will possibly be forced to retire a cat.
[/li][li] Cats may not have magical powers, extraterrestrial powers, etc..
[/li][li] Your cat has to belong to either the Rebellion or the Confederation.
[/li][li] Your cat may be of only one gender.
[/li][li] Keep All characters on One account.
[/li][li] Cats may not be fantasy-based or have humanlike qualities(ex. Cats with wings, cats with collars, or walk on two legs).
[/li][li] If you are going to kill/retire a cat, let a staff member (preferrably an Admiral) know so that they can move the bio to the Repository.
These rules are subject to change at any time.